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Sciton BBL™ Skin Rejuvenation

Sun damage, visible facial veins, uneven pigment and more can be corrected with BroadBand Light Therapy, a facial treatment designed to create a more even skin tone. Sciton BBL skin rejuvenation uses dual lamp technology to treat various skin conditions with a range of wavelengths, leaving skin clearer, brighter and more even-toned.

What to Expect

During your Sciton BBL rejuvenation, you will be asked to wear a pair of protective glasses while your provider passes a handpiece over your skin. The Citon handpiece allows your provider to treat facial blemishes, redness, veins, sun spots and more with precision by targeting individual areas with appropriate wavelengths and adapters. The energy from the pulsed light emitted by the Sciton device is absorbed into pigmented areas of the skin, causing them to gradually lose their pigment and fade away.

Best Candidates for Sciton BBL

The best candidates for Sciton BBL skin rejuvenation are men or women in good overall health who have realistic expectations for their results. Most people who consider getting Sciton BBL have pigmented or vascular lesions, acne scars or sun damage. Conditions like rosacea, telangiectasias and cherry angiomas can also be improved with Sciton BBL rejuvenation.

BBL Corrective Photofacial

Scition BBL Corrective Photofacial treatments correct browns and reds, focusing specifically on the upper layers of the skin to treat surface issues such as acne, freckles, age spots, small blood vessels, rosacea and some general signs of aging.

Forever Bare BBL

Sciton’s Forever Bare BBL treatment can get rid of unwanted facial and body hair by disabling hair follicles. This treatment provides an alternative option for our traditional laser hair removal treatments. Ask your aesthetic professional which option is best for you.

Forever Clear BBL

The Sciton Forever Clear BBL is a 2-step treatment for acne that uses light energy to eliminate acne-causing bacteria, decrease inflammation in the skin and stimulate the skin’s healing process.

Forever Young BBL

Sciton’s Forever Young BBL treatment can delay skin aging on the face, neck or hands, and only takes around 15 minutes. This procedure can actually restore the gene expression of aging skin to resemble that of younger skin.


What is RADIESSE®?

RADIESSE® is an opaque, white colored dermal filler made up of CaHA microspheres in a water based gel injected into the skin of the face to smooth away wrinkles such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds). RADIESSE® is nonanimal based and free from animal protein. Before you are injected,
you do not have to be tested to see if you are allergic to RADIESSE®.

What is RADIESSE® used for?

RADIESSE® is injected into your skin to smooth away wrinkles and folds, such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds).

How does it work?

RADIESSE® is injected into the skin with a thin needle to plump the skin and add volume to smooth facial wrinkles and folds such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth. Your doctor will inject the product into your skin to make the wrinkles shallower and smoother. RADIESSE® will not correct the underlying causes of wrinkles and folds.

What will RADIESSE® accomplish?

It will temporarily provide volume in facial wrinkles and folds such as the line from your nose to the corners of your mouth and will provide a smoother contour and more youthful appearance to the face.

How long do treatment effects last?

Although treatment effects will differ from person to person. In a clinical study of 117 patients 78.6% (about 91 out of 117 patients) showed improvement in their facial wrinkles and folds 6 months after treatment with RADIESSE® dermal filler. Thirty-five of these patients continued to show improvement at least 30 months after
their last injection.


Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable that helps gradually replace lost collagen — the most common protein in the body that is used to form a framework to support cellse and tissue — for results that can last up to two years.

B12 Injections

Methylcobalamin is an active form of Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 helps to utilize fats and carbohydrates for energy and make new proteins. Vitamin B12 is important in the maintenance of our metabolism, blood cells, and nerve function. Most people get enough vitamin B12 in their diet, but some need supplementation. Certain health conditions such as intestinal or stomach problems, poor nutrition, cancer, HIV, pregnancy, old age, veganism, and alcoholism can cause vitamin B12 deficiency.

Low levels of vitamin B12 can lead to fatigue and anemia in milder cases. More serious B12 deficiencies have the potential to impair heart and neurological function, leading to a wide range of serious symptoms, including but not limited to tinnitus, severe joint pain, memory problems, depression, anxiety, poor muscle function, ataxia and changes in reflexes. Infertility can also occur in individuals with insufficient B12. Early intervention and treatment of B12 deficiencies are key to maintaining healthy bodily function.

IV Therapy and B12 injections, MIC Injections and NAD injections

IV nutritional therapy (a.k.a intravenous therapy, IV nutrition, IV therapy or IV nutrient therapy) is a type of therapy commonly used for its wide range of health benefits, which can include anti-aging, improved immune system minimized anxiety, reversed symptoms of hangovers and more. Although many may believe that nutrient deficiencies aren’t so common anymore, there are still many individuals who aren’t getting the essential nutrients our bodies need to perform optimally.

Because IV treatment is administered directly into the veins, the results may be faster than those of oral or other traditional medicines. Physicians believe IV nutrient therapy can be safe, effective and restorative, and can be customized to suit the unique needs of each patient individually. *Please note: Olympia does not sell saline bags.

As an IV vitamin therapy supplier and IV pharmacy, Olympia offers a variety of IV kits to suit many different needs. View all of our available IV kits online now.

Possible Benefits of IV Nutritional Therapy:

  • Boosts energy
  • Detoxifies the body
  • Enhances the immune system
  • Helps prevent illness
  • Decreases artery plaque
  • Combats chronic fatigue
  • Improves hangovers
  • Reverses symptoms of malnutrition
  • Assists with age management
  • Helps treat Parkinson’s disease

BHRT (Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy)

BHRT stands for Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. The “B” stands for Bio-Identical, not biosimilar. During the development of a therapeutic project, any modification in the manufacturing process can create slight changes in the structure of the resulting drug, thus creating a “biosimilar.” The term “Bio-Identical,” as defined by experts from The Endocrine Society, is a compound that has exactly the same chemical and molecular structure as the hormones that are produced in the human body.

Hormone Imbalance

A simple way to describe hormone imbalance is that it represents any combination of hormone levels that are not within the expected normal range. Because hormones are kept within a certain range to perform specific functions, hormone imbalance can be associated with a variety of symptoms and functional changes in the body.
Hormone imbalance in men and women differs because of the hormones involved and the function of the hormones that are not within the normal range or not functioning properly.

Hormone Optimization

For Men
A common form of hormone optimization in men is testosterone replacement therapy. This type of therapy is approved for men who have low levels of testosterone related to certain medical conditions. Examples of these conditions include genetic problems, and chemotherapy or infections that have damaged the testicles.

For Women
Hormone optimization in women usually involves some formulation of estrogen, either alone or with progesterone. As with testosterone therapy, estrogen therapy is guided by certain limitations and restrictions. Hormone therapy with estrogens (with or without progesterone) is indicated only for treatment of vasomotor symptoms and vaginal atrophy and for osteoporosis prevention or treatment.

Testosterone is also used in women and may be appropriate treatment for those with depression and fatigue after surgically induced menopause, or in women in whom estrogen therapy hasn’t relieved all symptoms and there is a need to benefit from the effects of testosterone on the endocrine system and sexual function. Testosterone therapy comes in many forms, such as creams, gels, patches or pills.

PDO Threads

What is a PDO Thread?

A polydioxanone (PDO) thread is made up of solid protein that is thinner than a piece of hair. Once placed under the skin it increases blood flow and stimulates elastin and collagen. PDO threads actually lift sagging skin and is a less invasive alternative to a face lift!

Why PDO Threads?

  • Builds your own natural collagen
  • Quick and minimally invasive treatment
  • High safety profile
  • Immediate results that improve over time

Who is a good candidate for PDO thread treatment?

PDO threads are so versatile they can be used in a wide array of treatments! This makes anyone a good candidate for PDO threads.

How does a PDO thread lift work?

  • PDO thread is injected under the skin and released once needle is removed
  • The thread then causes an increase of blood flow to that area and begins to produce collagen
  • After 6-12 months the thread is fully absorbed leaving new collagen in its place

How do PDO smooth threads work?

  • Several PDO threads are inserted under the skin in a hashtag pattern to ensure uniform collagen production
  • The thread will increase blood flow to the area and create new collagen and elastin production
  • The thread is then absorbed after 3-6 months leaving a new production of collagen in its place

How long does it take to see the effects of PDO Lifting threads?

Results are immediate after treatment and continue to improve as thread is absorbed. PDO Lifting threads are fully absorbed after 6-12 months and leave behind a new production of collagen that gives the skin a firmer lifted appearance.

How long does a PDO thread lift treatment take?

Treatment can take up to an hour and gives you instant results with minimal down time.

NovaThreads are FDA-cleared, absorbable sutures placed under the skin during a thread lift procedure, to physically lift the tissue and enhance collagen production. NovaThreads work especially well to tighten skin on the neck, lower and midface, and jawline, to restore the face’s youthful V-shape.

NovaThreads can be inserted along the edge of the lips for a nonsurgical lip lift. This procedure, called lip threading, perks up the Cupid’s bow and helps define the lips’ border.

These threads are made of a synthetic biodegradable material called PDO (polydioxanone), which is also used in an absorbable surgical suture NovaThreads consist of hypodermic needles, preloaded with these PDO sutures.

The needles are inserted just under the skin, parallel to the surface, and leave the thread behind when they’re pulled out.

The PDO sutures dissolve over time, allowing new collagen to grow in their place. Skin is lifted immediately, while firmness increases over time.


A HydraFacial treatment is an in-office medical procedure that focuses on resurfacing the skin. It uses hydro-microdermabrasion, a particularly gentle form of microdermabrasion, and employs jets of water – instead of lasers or abrasive materials such as crystals – to lightly exfoliate surface skin.

During the treatment, water is first used to cleanse and exfoliate the outer layer of the skin, removing dead skin cells and excess oil. This is followed by the application of a chemical solution, which further cleanses the surface skin and loosens the debris that clogs pores.

Any remaining impurities are then suctioned away, leaving the pores debris-free and prepared to absorb a customized hydrating serum. The result of this three-step process is clear pores that appear smaller and smoot her, providing a fresh, youthful appearance.

The positive effects of a HydraFacial will become increasingly noticeable after several treatments. In most cases, patients require a HydraFacial treatment once or twice per month to maintain a lasting effect and significantly improve the appearance and texture of their skin

Plasma Pen

Plasma Pen works by converting electrical energy into an oxygen-and-nitrogen plasma stream. When that gas hits the skin’s surface, it creates microtrauma and causes collagen fibers within the dermis to contract. This creates some immediate firming and a more long-term tightening effect as collagen production ramps up. This treatment is also called fibroblast therapy or “fibroblasting” because of the way it revs up the fibroblast cells responsible for producing collagen.

Plasma Pen can be used almost anywhere on the body, but providers typically reserve it for firming areas on the face.

Plasma Pen effectively treats the upper and lower eyelids – this area heals rapidly and skin contraction is immediate. the actual procedure can last anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the area you’re targeting.

You can target very small areas, such as peri-oral and peri-orbital lines, nasolabial folds, sagging along the jawline, crow’s-feet and even sagging eyelids. The new collagen that results is long-lasting.

The procedure can also be used to treat skin tags, seborrheic keratoses, and stretch marks.


The PRX-T33 is a skin tightening peel without exfoliation. It is an improved formula of a trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peel. PRX-T33 is a non-peeling peel that was developed as a treatment for children with scars, it is revolutionary for correcting facelift scars, stretch marks, and sagging skin.  This is a perfect solution for those who do not want the downtime of a treatment like Fibroblast skin tightening but want similar results.


InMode Morpheus8 is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedure that pairs microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) energy.

This FDA-cleared device uses tiny needles to deliver RF energy to different depths of the skin. The needles and heat from the RF energy create micro injuries, which trigger your body’s natural healing response and promote the production of new collagen and elastin, to firm the skin and lessen wrinkles.

The treatment is most commonly used on the face and neck (especially to treat jowls and firm the jawline, undr-eye area, and around the mouth), but it can be used just about anywhere on the body, including the abdomen, buttocks, chest, arms or knees.

Morpheus8 treatments can address a wide range of skin concerns. In experienced hands, it can:

  • Improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Firm and tighten mildl sagging skin
  • Smooth skin texture
  • Reduce the appearance of large pores
  • Treat hyperpigmentation and acne scarring
  • Help fade stretch marks
  • Reduce some fat just below the skin (though not significantly enough to create facial volume loss)

For optimal results, most people need a series of up to three treatment sessions, spaced four to six weeks apart.