


Opening Hours

Tues - Thurs: 9:30AM - 5:00PM

Sun damage, visible facial veins, uneven pigment and more can be corrected with BroadBand Light Therapy, a facial treatment designed to create a more even skin tone. Sciton BBL skin rejuvenation uses dual lamp technology to treat various skin conditions with a range of wavelengths, leaving skin clearer, brighter and more even-toned.

What to Expect

During your Sciton BBL rejuvenation, you will be asked to wear a pair of protective glasses while your provider passes a handpiece over your skin. The Citon handpiece allows your provider to treat facial blemishes, redness, veins, sun spots and more with precision by targeting individual areas with appropriate wavelengths and adapters. The energy from the pulsed light emitted by the Sciton device is absorbed into pigmented areas of the skin, causing them to gradually lose their pigment and fade away.

Best Candidates for Sciton BBL

The best candidates for Sciton BBL skin rejuvenation are men or women in good overall health who have realistic expectations for their results. Most people who consider getting Sciton BBL have pigmented or vascular lesions, acne scars or sun damage. Conditions like rosacea, telangiectasias and cherry angiomas can also be improved with Sciton BBL rejuvenation.

BBL Corrective Photofacial

Scition BBL Corrective Photofacial treatments correct browns and reds, focusing specifically on the upper layers of the skin to treat surface issues such as acne, freckles, age spots, small blood vessels, rosacea and some general signs of aging.

Forever Bare BBL

Sciton’s Forever Bare BBL treatment can get rid of unwanted facial and body hair by disabling hair follicles. This treatment provides an alternative option for our traditional laser hair removal treatments. Ask your aesthetic professional which option is best for you.

Forever Clear BBL

The Sciton Forever Clear BBL is a 2-step treatment for acne that uses light energy to eliminate acne-causing bacteria, decrease inflammation in the skin and stimulate the skin’s healing process.

Forever Young BBL

Sciton’s Forever Young BBL treatment can delay skin aging on the face, neck or hands, and only takes around 15 minutes. This procedure can actually restore the gene expression of aging skin to resemble that of younger skin.