


Opening Hours

Tues - Thurs: 9:30AM - 5:00PM

What is RADIESSE®?

RADIESSE® is an opaque, white colored dermal filler made up of CaHA microspheres in a water based gel injected into the skin of the face to smooth away wrinkles such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds). RADIESSE® is nonanimal based and free from animal protein. Before you are injected,
you do not have to be tested to see if you are allergic to RADIESSE®.

What is RADIESSE® used for?

RADIESSE® is injected into your skin to smooth away wrinkles and folds, such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds).

How does it work?

RADIESSE® is injected into the skin with a thin needle to plump the skin and add volume to smooth facial wrinkles and folds such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth. Your doctor will inject the product into your skin to make the wrinkles shallower and smoother. RADIESSE® will not correct the underlying causes of wrinkles and folds.

What will RADIESSE® accomplish?

It will temporarily provide volume in facial wrinkles and folds such as the line from your nose to the corners of your mouth and will provide a smoother contour and more youthful appearance to the face.

How long do treatment effects last?

Although treatment effects will differ from person to person. In a clinical study of 117 patients 78.6% (about 91 out of 117 patients) showed improvement in their facial wrinkles and folds 6 months after treatment with RADIESSE® dermal filler. Thirty-five of these patients continued to show improvement at least 30 months after
their last injection.


Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable that helps gradually replace lost collagen — the most common protein in the body that is used to form a framework to support cellse and tissue — for results that can last up to two years.